Too Tired to Do Anything? Go to Sleep

White notebook with "If you're too tired to do anything besides watch TV or criuse the interned, go to sleep".

From Further Secrets of Adulthood: If we’re too tired to do anything except watch TV or cruise the internet, go to sleep.

Agree, disagree?

I have to admit, I struggle sometimes to remember this Secret of Adulthood.  I don’t have trouble getting off the internet, but sometimes I watch TV because I feel too tired to read.

I know, however, that when I’m too tired to read something new, I’m better off re-reading something I’ve read before — such as one of my favorite works of children’s literature. Because they’re familiar, I can enjoy the pleasure of reading, even when my brain feels fried.

I’m a big fan of the pleasures of TV, but I enjoy TV most when it’s demanding. If I’m too tired to read, I’m probably also too tired to watch that kind of TV. I love shows like The Wire or Game of Thrones, for instance, but I can’t watch it when I feel exhausted.

As a sleep zealot, I do try to get myself to go to sleep as soon as I feel sleepy.

What do you think?



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