One of my Secrets of Adulthood is “A quest is more fun than a jaunt.” When my sister and I were poking around the English town of Keswick, I told her, “I could use a few coasters.” Even having this extremely minor “quest” made our wanderings feel more purposeful.
5 Things I Published This Month
Navigating Transitions: How to Maintain Good Habits When Your Routine Changes
Habits are easier to keep when we have a predictable, consistent schedule. However, at various times, we may experience major shifts in our routines, which can make it harder to maintain the habits that keep us happy and healthy.
11 Secrets of Adulthood for Travel
As I got ready to leave for my hiking trip last week, I reminded myself of some of my Secrets of Adulthood for Travel. Read all eleven on my recent Instagram post, plus see many more travel tips from the community in the comments!
Listen In! Recordings from Our Hiking Trip in England
During our recent hiking trip in Northumberland and the Lake District, my sister Elizabeth and I made daily voice memos to record our adventures as events unfolded. Listen in.
A Pamphlet for D-Day Soldiers Gave Me the “America Feeling”
The eightieth anniversary of D-Day reminded me of how, during my family’s trip to Normandy, reading the 1944 D-Day guide for soldiers gave me my “America feeling.”
3 Books for Excellent Summer Reading
Are you looking for a great book to read this summer? I have three excellent choices for you that are cozy, delightful, and leave you with a happy feeling.
Re-engage with your writing aims.
It’s not too late to start or start again. If your daily writing habit has dropped off, find a fresh approach. Try a different time of day or a different tracking tool in the Happier™ app, try keeping a One-Sentence Journal or writing notes to your friends.
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