Behold! The New-and-Improved Website Is Unveiled

Computer monitor displaying a website

Unveiling…this website, new and (vastly) improved!

Back in March 2006, I launched this site. I remember the first time I managed to post an image—I was so pleased with myself.

I handled that little site all by myself, but over the years, as I added more elements to it, I needed more help as I did periodic updates.

For this most recent redesign, I needed the help of many brilliant people. It’s a whole new look!

I’m so grateful to everyone who worked on it—for their thoughtful decisions, technical expertise, and design chops. After all their hard work, the site is more appealing to look at, smoother to navigate, loads faster, and works better on mobile.

Perhaps most useful, you’ll find it much easier to learn more about subjects that interest you.

Explore: Under “Explore,” you can go deeper into particular topics.

Getting Started: If you’re not sure where to start to find key material on a huge subject like Happiness, Habits, or the Four Tendencies, you can go to “Getting Started.” (I’ll soon be adding an additional category there…can you guess what it will be? I give you five guesses.)

Topics: If you want to learn more about a narrower topic, such as Self-Knowledge, Energy, Creativity, or Relationships, you can go to “Topics” and find featured material.

Category: If you want to search by a particular type of content, rather than by subject, in “Category,” you can search by Books, Podcast, Quotations, Quizzes, Resources, and more.

And speaking of resources…I’m so happy with the newly organized “Resources” section. I have to admit, in the old version of the site, it was very hard to direct people to resources they wanted. I have so many resources that I’ve created over the years! This new system will make referral much smoother. Also, you’ll see resources offered as you go deeper on a particular topic, so they’ll be easier to find.

For the Happier podcast, each episode’s notes will now include a YouTube link, as well as a tool that lets you listen on-site if you want, and coming soon, episodes will also have written transcripts. It has been a lot of work to set up these systems, but so worth it—I’m really happy to offer this greater accessibility.

I’ve been through a few massive website redesigns, and each time, I end up feeling a little…homesick. It takes me some time to adjust to the new look. But then, I always get a bit unsettled when things change.

The redesign also threw me into a bit of an existential crisis. How do I characterize my work? How do I present myself? What’s the most logical way to organize ideas? It’s like searching your soul while also renovating your kitchen.

Now, however, I’m just delighted by the clean, functional, beautiful design.

So much outstanding, tireless work by so many brilliant people! Many thanks to everyone at Global Prairie, and Adam Caswell, Lauren Christensen, Annie Jolley, Emy Joyeuex, Jason Konrad, Andrew Lennon, Lindsay Logan, Joe Wadlington, Austin Walsh, Hannah Wilson—and especially Anne Mercogliano, who led the effort.



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