I’m so thrilled about the enthusiastic response to the Happier app. The app launched in November, and I love hearing how people are using the tools in the app to make progress toward their aims.
But what’s true for building good habits also holds true for building a revolutionary app—there is no finish line! Our team is continually improving the tools, features, and content in the Happier app, based on your valuable feedback.
I’m excited to share these updates:
- New Tool: Track Your Total—Measure numbers that add up over time, like miles, minutes, or words.
- Access your camera roll to add a photo to your Photo Log.
- Set up reminders for any aim to get notifications on specific days and times.
- Edit your aims—if you need to adjust your aim, you can now edit your aim title or reminders by clicking the menu from your Tool Kit.
- See the date you last completed your aims in your Tool Kit.
- Share tips, quotes, self-knowledge questions and other content from the app by tapping “View more,” then the “share” icon.
Haven’t tried the Happier app yet? Download the app and get started for free.
If you’re using the app, let me know—what’s your favorite tool? What new tools or features would you like to see added?