For the last several years, on the Happier with Gretchen Rubin podcast, we’ve talked about why we make an annual list, tied to the year, of all the things we’d like to get done during that year.
In episode 149, we talked about our “18 for 2018” lists; in episode 203, “19 for 2019” lists; in episode 255, “20 for 2020” lists. Most recently, in episode 307, we revealed our “21 for 2021” lists.
Research shows that making a concrete, specific list, and referring back to it, really does help people achieve their aims. And for many people, this approach seems more fun than make traditional new year’s resolutions.Now that 2021 is about half-way finished, it’s time to review our “21 for ’21” lists.
Gretchen’s “21 for ’21”:
- Make a list of friends and colleagues I want to connect with by phone or Zoom – STARTED BUT NEED TO UPDATE
- Make two plans a week to connect with the people on that list – SORT OF
- Figure out the light-bulb question – SO CONFUSING THAT I STARTED THEN STALLED
- Have a scent party
- Have a taste party
- Make an Album of Now – UNDERWAY
- Get my Real I.D. (Good news: the Department of Homeland Security extended the deadline to May 3, 2023)
- Practice my driving (as I wrote about in Happier at Home, I’m a fearful driver) – UNDERWAY
- Read a Summer of Virginia Woolf – UNDERWAY
- Make an appointment to help me make better outfits from my own clothes
- Do 30 minutes of “review” each work day
- Add photos to my address book – UNDERWAY
- Watch Mad Men – DONE (listen to our bonus episode recap of the series)
- Look at old photo albums and home videos with my family
- Review my giant “happiness” catch-all document
- Play around with well-being apps
- Get our big red chair recovered – DONE
- Deal with my sent/trash folders – DONE
- Shine a spotlight on work I admire; amplify the work of others – UNDERWAY
- Add one new item!
Elizabeth’s “21 for ’21”:
- Get the vaccine – DONE
- Get a Real I.D.
- Celebrate her friend Mike’s 50th birthday with friends – UNDERWAY
- Get Fraxel
- Sell two TV pitches – SOLD ONE
- Eat lots of vegetables, and to help with that, avoid using Postmates at night during the week – SORT OF
- Do another “sober month” – DONE
- Get through her giant book pile for #Read21in21 (if you want a don’t-break-the-chain sheet for #Read21in21, it’s here) – UNDERWAY
- Get a will
- Educate herself about investing in property
- Do a Happier in Hollywood meet-up (post-vaccine)
- Walk to Malibu – UNDERWAY
- Continue #Walk20in20 (if you want a don’t-break-the-chain sheet for #Walk20in21, it’s here)
- Weigh herself daily – STOPPED IN PUERTO RICO
- Use her Waterpic at least three times a week – DITTO
- Create a fiction podcast
- Trust her gut, especially at work – COULD BE BETTER
- Go to Disneyland
- Visit Miraval for a friend’s birthday
- Take Jack boogie-boarding at least 5 times
- In making hiring decisions for Fantasy Island, put her actions behind her intent to provide opportunities for all – DONE