I’m doing a video series in which I discuss the various strategies that we can use for habit-formation.
Habits are the invisible architecture of everyday life, and a significant element of happiness. If we have habits that work for us, we’re much more likely to be happy, healthy, productive, and creative. My forthcoming book, Better than Before, describes the multiple strategies we can exploit to change our habits.
I identify four strategies that are so essential that I call them the “Pillars of Habits”: Monitoring, Accountability, Scheduling, and the strategy I discussed in the last video, the Strategy of Foundation.
Today I’m going to talk about the Strategy of Accountability.
I can’t emphasize enough: Accountability is helpful to many people, but if you’re an Obliger — and there’s a good chance you are, because it’s one of the largest categories — you must develop systems of external accountability. This is the answer for habit-formation! This will work for you!
Don’t know what an Obliger is? Look here.
How about you? Do you find that Accountability helps you stick to your good habits?