Contact Gretchen Rubin

For The Happiness Project

If you are having an issue or question with an order from The Happiness Project shop please get in touch by clicking the link bellow.

For The Happier App

If you hare having an issue or have questions about the Happier app please get in touch with us below.

For Courses

If you have a question or issue around one of the courses please email

For Speaker Requests

Please contact Harry Walker.

For Press Inquiries

Email with the subject line "Press Inquiry: (Publication Name)" or "Interview Request: (Publication Name)."

For Happier with Gretchen Rubin podcast

To comment on a Happier with Gretchen Rubin episode, please email 
or call 77-HAPPY-336

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Every Friday, Gretchen Rubin shares 5 things that are making her happier, asks readers and listeners questions, and includes exclusive updates and behind-the-scenes material. 
