Try saying, “This is actually good for me,” a great hack for quitting an addictive app, how Rebels (and others) can keep resolutions, and a terrific before-and-after story.Get in touch: @gretchenrubin; @elizabethcraft; podcast@gretchenrubin;; 774-277-9336.
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If you’re still gearing up for the new year, you might enjoy listening to Chris Guillebeau’s episode on the terrific podcast Side Hustle School about “How to conduct your own annual review.” It’s fascinating — look for Extended Cut, #12.
Try This At Home
Say, “This is actually good for me.”
Happiness Hack
To quit using an addictive app, Emily suggests using the “Strategy of the Clean Slate” and not adding the app when you get a new phone. This strategy is one of the 21 strategies that I write about in my book Better Than Before, which is all about how to make and break habits.
Four Tendencies Tip
Liz, a Rebel, suggests that for a Rebel (and for other Tendencies, too), rather than making resolutions, try identifying “heroes” with whom you choose to identify. Don’t know if you’re a Rebel, Upholder, Obliger, or Rebel? Take the quiz here. (Now 1.3 million people have taken the quiz!) This is related to the idea to “Imitate a spiritual master” which I wrote about in The Happiness Project, and we discussed in episode 16.
Before & After Story
This story comes from Gretchen (a different Gretchen), who decided to “Choose the bigger life” from episode 27:
In 2017, I was enduring the monotony of work and career. I had lost energy and engagement with work and I was trying to figure out what would truly be a stretch goal; helping to continue my quest for learning, playing with the idea of unpredictability (which I am not good with) and trying to understand if my current 20+ year career was actually a fulfilling path for me. The short answer to all of this internal discussion: I moved to Paris. I love to travel. I decided to leave my job and move to France for 2018. It was not easy, but I am sitting in my adorable French apartment writing you because so much self-understanding and reflection occurred with your podcasts. I am thrilled at the potential of the year ahead. You don’t even need to get me started on discussing habit change in a new environment!
Gretchen’s Demerit: When I had trouble falling asleep, I just lay there stewing instead of doing all the things I know would help me to fall asleep.
Elizabeth’s Gold Star: She and Adam really have been entertaining more.
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