Happier with Gretchen Rubin
Ep. 309: Heed a Suggestion, Look Better on Zoom, and a Deep Dive into Listeners’ Brilliant Ideas for “21 for 21” Lists.

Try This at Home
Heed a suggestion.
Taking someone’s suggestion or recommendation is a great way to show interest and respect for that person’s opinion; it’s energizing for a relationship.
Happiness Hack
Using “night light,” “night shift,” or “night mode” on your computer may make you look better on Zoom; it warms up blue light. It makes a huge difference in how I look on Zoom, because I have three monitors.
Deep Dive into 21 for 21 Lists! Listener ideas included:
- create a bingo card from your list
- discuss your 21 for 21 lists with a small group or with a sweetheart, and check in regularly
- consider items as things you’ll do “once”: once a day, once a week, once a month, once a season, once a year, and just once
- break the “Facts of Life” book into smaller steps as part of your 21 for 21 list (we discuss the Facts of Life book in episodes 185 and 188)
- create two lists: one for things that can be done whether or not we’re stuck in coronavirus conditions, one for things that can be done once we can all travel and meet again
- many people included both #Walk20in21 and #Read21in21 on their lists
- remember, sometimes we may need to cross something off the list!
- take your Tendency into account as you devise your list—want to figure out if you’re an Upholder, Questioner, Obliger, or Rebel? Take the free, quick quiz here (more than 3.2 million people have taken the quiz)
- here’s a delightful list made by a listener’s six-year-old:
Gretchen’s Demerit
I’ve fallen into a habit of not looking at my calendar in advance. I’ve been waiting until the night before—or that morning.
Elizabeth’s Gold Star
Elizabeth gives herself a gold star for getting so much walking done while talking on Zoom. She bought a laptop stand for her treadmill desk that has made it much easier.
- Due to popular demand, we’ve created a page on my website that has all the promo codes and links for Happier podcast sponsors. So if you’re driving while listening, but want to go back later and order that electric toothbrush but can’t remember the name of it, just click here to find it.
- If you listen to Happier (or most other podcasts), you hear the hosts ask listeners to rate and review the show. Why? Listeners respect the views of other listeners, so by rating and reviewing—assuming you have good things to say!—you make other people get interested. Rates and reviews also build buzz around the show. It’s easy to rate and review—once you know what to do. Click here to find step-by-step instructions. Give yourself a gold star if you’ve subscribed, rated, reviewed, or recommended the show. It really is a tremendous help to Elizabeth and me.