Bonus Episode: A Deep Dive into the “Four Tendencies” Personality Framework

My sister, Elizabeth, and I started this podcast more than 4 years ago and in that time, we’ve seen that people really want to talk about the Four Tendencies framework. That’s the personality profile that I created that divides people into four “Tendencies.” More than 2 million people have taken my free Four Tendencies quiz at to find out if they’re an Upholder, Questioner, Obliger, or a Rebel.  If you want a quick intro to the framework, this bonus episode is for you! I have a video course that explores the Four Tendencies, and this bonus episode is pulled directly from that course. I give an overview of the framework, plus I’ve included an excerpt from an interview with Tiffany Dufu, author of Drop the Ball: Achieving More by Doing Less, about how she harnesses the strengths of her Tendency, Obliger. I also talk about the connection between happiness and your Tendency, and I answer some common questions about the framework.  If, after you listen to this excerpt, you’re interested in learning more about the course, visit to learn more. I’m giving a special discount to my podcast listeners: enter the code happier to get 25% off the course. You can go through the course in five weeks—in a manageable amount of time each day—or you can go at your own pace. You’ll learn in-depth information about all four Tendencies and learn how to harness your Tendency to reduce conflict in relationships, start or stop a habit, and get yourself to do the things you want to do.  The Four Tendencies video course includes 17 interviews with people who have used their understanding of the Four Tendencies framework to harness their strengths and manage their weaknesses.  If you have questions about the course, visit to submit a question. If you’ve already taken the course but know someone who would be interested in taking advantage of this discount, please share this episode with them so they can get a sense of it.




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