“The Investor Is Wise Who Diversifies.” In Many Areas of Life.

From all my schooling, from all my life experience…it’s odd what I remember. The things that stick in my head often aren’t the things that I might have expected would stick.

From my three long, intense years at Yale Law School, I feel that very little remains lodged in my brain.

I do often use the phrase “res ipsa loquitur” in conversation (only a lawyer would do that).

I do love a great Restatement. (Click here if you want to read my parody piece, “The Restatement of Love.”)

And I do often remember the words of my Business Administration professor: “The investor is wise who diversifies.” I love a rhyming admonition!

Over time, I’ve learned that it’s wise to diversify — not just for investing, but with friendships, work, hobbies, everything.

I write about Winston Churchill in my short, unconventional biography Forty Ways to Look at Winston Churchill. One of my favorite Churchill quotations — there are so many that it’s hard to choose — is what he wrote about hobbies, in his delightful book Painting as a Pastime.

To be really happy and really safe, one ought to have at least two or three hobbies, and they must all be real.”

The rhyming advice that I learned in law school turns out to apply to many situations in life.

What do you think?




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