It’s easy to be fooled! But working is one of the most dangerous forms of procrastination, because working makes it easier to justify avoiding the task that’s the real priority.
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Sometimes, when I’ve got a big intimidating task that I need to tackle, I get a very strong urge to clean my office, or clean out my files, or even to do dreaded tasks like make a dentist’s appointment.
I’m not slacking off – I’m not reading in bed or watching TV or chatting with my sister on the phone. I’m working, I’m being productive!
But when this happens, I don’t let myself get away with it for long. I know that the fact that I’m busy doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m using my time well. In fact, I’m often wary when I get a sudden urge to do a certain kind of work – to clean out my email inbox, or to organize the linen closet.
Because when I have an important looming task, that’s what I should tackle.
It’s a Secret of Adulthood: Working is one of the most dangerous forms of procrastination.