Five-Senses Quiz: What’s Your Most Neglected Sense?
Instructions: Move the sliders to indicate how closely the choices reflect your own thoughts or feelings. Moving the slider all the way to the left (toward the “least” end of the scale) means the choice is not at all true for you, or something you would never consider. Moving the slider all the way to the right (toward the “most” end of the scale) means you would be very likely to make that choice. Keeping the slider in the middle means you have neutral feelings about the choice.
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Five Senses Quiz
Once you identify your neglected sense, you can find a new source of comfort, calm, and creativity; you can find fresh experiences that will delight you; perhaps most important, you can make opportunities to engage with other people. Enter a valid email address to have your results emailed to you, as well as more tips for being happier, healthier, more productive, and more creative from Gretchen Rubin.