Podcast 50: Ask For a Favor, Cooperation vs. Competition, and I Struggle with My Daughter’s Ear-Piercing Request.

It’s time for the next installment of  “Happier with Gretchen Rubin.

Try This at Home

Ask for a favor.

Know Yourself Better

Do you prefer to cooperate or compete?

Listener Question

Fiona asks, “How can I manage dealing with all the interesting articles and recipes that I cut out from the paper?” Elizabeth and I address this — and what are your suggestions?

Gretchen’s Demerit

My sixteen-year-old daughter Eliza wanted to get more piercings in her ears. I didn’t handle it well.  If you want to hear Eliza’s perspective on the ear-piercing episode, you can listen to her excellent podcast, Eliza Starting at 16, episode 6. Yes, she has her own podcast!

Elizabeth’s Gold Star

Elizabeth gives Michelle a gold star for her empathetic gaze during a mindfulness exercise.

Happier with Gretchen Rubin - Podcast #50

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