At the beginning of a new year, many of us look for ways to make our lives happier, healthier, more productive, and more creative in the months ahead.
I love these kinds of exercises, so for 2022, I: made new year’s resolutions, joined the yearly challenge—this year, to “#Rest22in22,” and made a “22 for 22″ list
There’s another kind of exercise I love: identifying one idea, summarized in just one word or phase, as the overarching theme for the coming year.
My sister Elizabeth and I have been doing this for years. Some of our choices:
- Elizabeth: “Free Time,” “Style,” “Hot Wheels,” “Novel,” “Home,” “Control,” “#6,” “Lighter,” “Butterfly,” and for 2022, “Step.”
- Gretchen: “Upgrade,” “Bigger,” “Lighten Up,” “Re-purpose,” “Delegate,” “Infrastructure,” “Growth,” “Open,” and for 2022, “Salt.”
In episode 358 of the Happier with Gretchen Rubin podcast, we talked about the one-word theme and suggested that listeners choose a theme for 2022. We’ve heard so many brilliant ideas!
- Breathe
- Intention
- Shine
- Play
- Reverie
- Priorities
- Pepper (I got a kick out of this, given that my word is “Salt”)
- Action
- Higher/Hire
- Evaluate
- Present
- Flex
- Embrace
- Restoration
- Recharge
- Clear
- Clear Away
- Honest
- Green
- Dragon
- Now
- Done
- Present (be present and give a gift to yourself)
- More
- Health
- Peace
- Rhythm
- Renaissance
On episode 363 of Happier, we talk about responses from listeners about why they chose the words they chose.
Have you chosen a one-word theme for the year? I’m endlessly fascinated by the themes people choose, and why.