Want to Start Listening to the “Happier With Gretchen Rubin” Podcast?

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Of course, I love every episode of the Happier with Gretchen Rubin podcast—but if I had to choose just a few, here are some episodes that have resonated most with listeners, Elizabeth, and me.

My personal favorites will always include the two sisterly clutter-clearing episodes. In episode 10, we did a recording live from Elizabeth’s messy closet, as I helped her clear clothes clutter. In episode 160, we tackled her messy home office. I love to clear clutter, and much to my delight, Elizabeth is very messy. If you’re interested in clutter-clearing, stay tuned for my book Outer Order, Inner Calm, which is coming out in March 2019.

Listeners (and we) loved the idea of creating a list of “18 for 2018.” We introduce the idea in episodes 147 and 149, do a deep dive in episode 152, and in Very Special Episode 170, Elizabeth and I each give a personal update of how we’re doing on our own lists.

In episode 154, Elizabeth and I challenged ourselves to wear “clothes” for a month. We thought this was our private problem, so we were very encouraged to find that many people struggle with this issue.

People responded to the Try This at Home to “Create a ‘ta-da’ list” as discussed in episode 134. Here’s a post where I talk about the to-do list, why a to-do list doesn’t work for everyone, and alternatives, such as the “to-day list,” “could-do list,” “might-could list.”

If you want something a little wacky, we had a great time doing our “unplugged” episode 150. We recorded an ordinary phone conversation between the two of us.

In episode 130, we discussed the seven myths of happiness: Happy people are annoying and stupid; A “treat” will cheer you up; It’s selfish to try to be happier; and four others. In my book The Happiness Project, I address these myths as part of my exploration of making my life happier.

In episode 122, I asked for advice from kids and parents about how to deal with my daughter Eliza’s imminent departure for college. In episode 125, we did a deep dive on the great advice and insights that listeners gave us. Fast forward: Eliza had a great freshman year in college, in part because of all great suggestions we got.

If you’re intrigued with the “Four Tendencies”—my personality framework that divides people into Upholders, Questioners, Obligers, and Rebels—check out episode 120, where we discussed listener questions about the Four Tendencies. (Don’t know your Tendency? You can take the short free quiz here.) If you still want to learn still more after listening to our discussions, check out my book The Four Tendencies.

A common and serious happiness stumbling block is loneliness. We devote episode 110 to the question, “Are you lonely?” and return to do a deep dive into the subject in episode 115.

Some very popular Try This at Home suggestions include episode 79’s “Revive a dormant friendship” and episode 26’s “Pick a one-word theme for the year.”

My imagination was fired by listeners’ enthusiastic response to episode 71’s “Choose a signature color.” We followed up with a deep dive into color in episode 75. In fact, I’ve become so interested in color that I’m writing a little book, My Color Pilgrimage. I can’t learn enough about color.

In episode 39, Elizabeth talks about the experience of getting fired. She’s been fired more than once! If you enjoy hearing her talk about her crazy experiences in Hollywood, check out Happier in Hollywood, the weekly podcast she does with her writing partner Sarah Fain.

Speaking of Hollywood, in episode 137, I went with Elizabeth at her office on the Disney lot, and in episode 60, I visited a sound stage where she was working. Lots of fabulousness.

In episode 24, I talk about how my family really wanted a dog, but I couldn’t decide whether or not we should get one—so I ask listeners for advice. In episode 27, all is revealed.

Way back in episode 3, we talk about two issues that struck a chord with listeners: the Try This at Home of “Make Your Bed” and the Happiness Stumbling Block of “Resisting the Evil Donut-Bringer.” This last idea proved to be very controversial. We talk about the evil donut-bringer in many subsequent episodes.

In episode 2, we talk about our family “update,” an idea from our mother which people have loved.

Well, I could keep going, but I’ll stop here.

It’s been thrilling to get such a warm response from listeners. Each week I’m fascinated to see how people respond to the ideas and suggestions from the most recent episode. If you’re a long-time listener, you may have noticed how over time, we’ve started incorporating more and more ideas from the audience. That’s because people have such brilliant, insightful, thought-provoking commentary, we can’t resist including it.

If you like the show, and if you have the time and the inclination, it really is a tremendous help to us if you subscribe to the show, and if you take the time to rate and review it. This kind of endorsement helps other listeners find the show. You can find instructions about subscribing, rating, and reviewing here.

Making this podcast is one of the joys of my life, and I know Elizabeth feels the same way. Onward and upward!



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