Five things I published this month

In my observation, Karl Ove Knausgaard is one of the authors about whom people disagree most. Some people love his work and read all of it (and there’s a lot of it); some people read fifteen pages and never pick it up again. I’m in the first group. I’m counting the days until his new novel The Third Realm hits the shelves, but I tell people, “Knausgaard isn’t for everyone.” 

Recently, as I was walking through Central Park, I was reminded of this passage from Spring

“The great and terrifying beauty does not abandon us, it is there all the time, in everything that is always the same, in the sun and the stars, in the bonfire and the darkness, in the blue carpet of flowers beneath the tree. It is of no use to us, it is too big for us, but we can look at it, and we can bow before it.” 

I’m trying to think of other authors in that category. J.R.R. Tolkien?


Gretchen Rubin

5 Things I Published This Month



The Four Tendencies Framework and How We Respond To Expectations

I joined Dr. Aliza Pressman on her podcast to discuss how understanding your response to expectations can enhance your habits, relationships, and overall well-being.

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[Source Photo: Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels]


Why Having a Soundtrack at Work Could Boost Your Productivity

Want to be more productive? It’s time to think more critically about your sound environment.

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Why It’s So Hard to Make Friends as an Adult (and 8 Simple Solutions)

When I talk to people about their happiness, one of the most common comments is that they wish they had more friends.

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A Fun New Way to Have a Happier Summer

Have you ever reached the end of summer and wished you’d done more to enjoy the season? I’ve created a new way to use the Happier™ app to design your summer and do more of the things that make you happier, starting  June 1.

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Sweep the Deck! A “Clear the Decks” Episode of Quick Tasks for Summer Prep

Because listeners asked for another “Clear the Decks” episode, this episode features a list of short tasks to help us prepare for summer. Follow along with the episode or download the Bingo card here.

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Design your summer with the Happier™ app

Whether you want to recharge, have adventures, deepen your relationships, or explore your creativity, you’ll find inspiration, tips, and tools in the Happier™ app to meet your summer aims. Download it for free today.

Listen to the Happier podcast?
Click here to read the show notes.

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