More Happier: The Joy of Deadlines, Couples Therapy & Pondering One of Life’s Big Questions

Something Making Us (More) Happier

  • Elizabeth: Having deadlines. Elizabeth and her writing partner Sarah work better with deadlines.
  • Gretchen: Jamie and I have a new weekend house.

I’ve Been Meaning to Ask You

Sometimes, when we face a challenging situation, the issue lies with us, and sometimes, it’s the situation. How can we distinguish between these two?

Spotlight on a Tool

If you’re enjoying the insights and happiness boosts from our podcast, subscribe to my “Five Things” newsletter at for a weekly digest of things making me happy, practical tips, observations, and research to enhance your life. Join more than a million subscribers!

Quality Screen Time

I recommend the TV show Couples Therapy.


“Not that she didn’t enjoy the holidays: but she always felt—and it was, perhaps, the measure of her peculiar happiness—a little relieved when they were over. Her normal life pleased her so well that she was half afraid to step out of its frame in case one day she should find herself unable to get back.” Jan Struther, Mrs. Miniver




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