Podcast 113: Reclaim Your Dump Zones, a Hack for Making Tough Decisions, and Is Your Birthday Important to You?

Try This at Home

Reclaim your dump zones. I reclaimed the little table I describe — above, you can see it pictured in its naked glory. Here’s one of my all-time favorite podcast episode — #10, live from Elizabeth’s messy closet. If you’re intrigued by the subject of clutter-busting, you might enjoy my book Happier at Home. For many people, outer order is a very important for happiness at home.

Happiness Hack

Turn on the subtitles when you’re watching TV.

Know Yourself Better

Is your birthday important to you — or not?

Listener Question

Danielle asks, “My family constantly debates whether we should stay in New York City, or move to the suburbs, and it makes me feel constantly unsettled.” The book I mention is Daniel Gilbert’s Stumbling on Happiness


I made the mistake of “treating a gift like a burden,” when I was working over spring break to get The Four Tendencies ready for publication. 

Gold Star

Jack’s nanny Cynthia made lots of special plans to make spring break fun for him.




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