Our listener Allison suggests something else to bring to the office to spread cheer, if you don’t want to be the “evil donut-bringer”
Try This at Home
Choose a signature scent. As mentioned, in Episodes 71 and 75, we talked about choosing a signature color.
Ever since I wrote Happier at Home, I’ve been obsessed with the sense of smell.
My signature perfume during high-school and college was Tea Rose by Perfumer’s Workshop. Elizabeth’s signature scent is Coco by Chanel.
Happiness Hack
As a travel hack, Jenny suggests buying postcards as mementos of vacations and trips. They’re easy and cheap to buy, easy to pack, relieve you of the pressure to take photos, fun to choose, and by writing a short paragraph on the back, serve as a great reminder of trip highlights.
Before and After Story
Our listener “N” has lost more than 200 pounds without surgery using various strategies from Better Than Before, my book about habit change. In particular, the Strategies of Monitoring, Foundation, Scheduling, Accountability, Abstaining, Convenience, Distractions, Loop-hold Spotting, Rewards, Treats, and Pairing.
A huge accomplishment!
N. mentions that she’s an Obliger — something that’s very important to know if you’re trying to change your habits. If you want to find out if you’re an Obliger, Upholder, Questioner, or Rebel, take the free quiz here (more than 1.3 million people have taken it).
If you’d like to download the “Checklist for Habit Change,” with a checklist of all the strategies, you can find it here. The strategies are described in full in Better Than Before.
Gold Stars & Demerits
Gretchen’s Demerit: I’m such a know-it-all!
Elizabeth’s Gold Star: Elizabeth gives a gold star to the site MyIntent.org, where she ordered key chains with her one-word themes for 2018: “Control” and “Expand.”
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