Hacks for Summer, Coping with Inconsiderate Co-Workers & Improving a Family Party


Atlanta and Dallas, I’m coming your way for an event for Life in Five Senses!

  • June 6, 2024 in Atlanta: 7 pm with Charis Books & More at First Baptist Church of Decatur
  • June 7, 2024 in Dallas: 7 pm at Interabang Books

More info here

Try This at Home

Try these hacks for summer — we collected great suggestions from listeners.

If you missed the “Sweep the Deck” episode, with prompts for preparing for summer, listen here.

Happiness Hack

I realized that a family celebration was unusually pleasant because I held it in a very quiet room, which made conversation among fifteen family members very easy.

Four Tendencies Tip

An Obliger asks how to handle the Upholder who is renting half her office, and also overstepping boundaries.

Don’t know about the Four Tendencies personality framework? Take the quiz, discover your Tendency, and learn more here.

Listener Question

After the “Sweep the Deck” episode, a listener asks, “What is the proper way to remove a tick?”

According to the Mayo Clinic:

Use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible. Gently pull out the tick using a slow and steady upward motion. Avoid twisting or squeezing the tick. Do not handle the tick with bare hands. Do not use petroleum jelly, fingernail polish or a hot match to remove a tick. Secure the tick and take a picture.

Demerits & Gold Stars

Gretchen’s Demerit: I decided to to add more reading time to my days by reading before bed and reading on the subway, and I need to be more consistent.

Elizabeth’s Gold Star: Elizabeth gives a gold star to her writing partner Sarah, for bringing her out of her funk.


Father’s Day is on June 16th, and many people like to give Forty Ways to Look at Winston Churchill for Father’s Day. If you’d like to give a copy of that or any of my other books for Father’s Day, learn more at happiercast.com/books. Also, you can request a free, personalized, signed bookplate (US, Canada only).

What We’re Reading

  • Elizabeth: Outsmarting the Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout (Amazon, Bookshop
  • Gretchen: Forbidden Notebook by Alba de Céspedes (Amazon, Bookshop

Transcript coming soon. 

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