Something Making Us More Happier
- Elizabeth: Being home in Kansas City for a visit.
- Gretchen: I love the BBC’s ten-part podcast series, Paul McCartney: Inside the Songs. Each episode is about ten minutes long and focuses on a single great song.
I’ve Been Meaning to Tell You
I crossed a major item off my “22 for 22″ list: Eleanor and I took a wonderful, unforgettable trip to Paris together.
I mention my Timeline Book.
Spotlight on a Tool
I mention my book Happier at Home: Kiss More, Jump More, Abandon Self-Control, and My Other Experiments in Everyday Life. Of all the books I’ve written, this one is Elizabeth’s favorite.
I’ve Been Meaning to Ask You
I ask Elizabeth, “When you’re casting a TV show, do you make casting decisions based on special skills that you know an actor will need in future episodes?”
I mention the TV show Severance. Elizabeth mentions The Fix, the excellent show that she and Sarah Fain did with Marcia Clark, as well as Fantasy Island.
There are children who will leave a game to go and be bored in a corner of the garret. How often have I wished for the attic of my boredom when the complications of life made me lose the very germ of all freedom!
—Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space (Amazon, Bookshop)