Turn Acquaintances into Friends, an Email Hack & a Happiness Lesson Learned from Our Parents

Try This at Home

Turn an acquaintance into a friend.

Happiness Hack

If you have important information to convey in an email, put the key facts in the subject line.

Happier Highlights

We’re happier when we put our values into the world. If voting is one of your values, make sure you’re registered to vote! Visit headcount.org/state. You enter your state. It takes just a few click—less than thirty seconds.

Open Door/ Empty Nest

If we don’t feel a natural interest in an activity, can we manufacture an interest in it? People so often suggest that open-door parents should “develop a hobby.” What if we don’t have a hobby? Can we “fake it ’til we make it?”

Demerits & Gold Stars

Gretchen’s Demerit: I got very annoyed with Jamie about a scheduling issue. Instead of using humor and a light tone, I was very snarky.

Elizabeth’s Gold Star: Elizabeth gives a gold star to Erik, her son Jack’s new executive-functioning coach, for being such a good teacher.


Our voting partner, Headcount, makes it easy to find out how to vote in your state. Each state has different rules and requirements, so get the right information for you. Visit headcount.org/state to find exactly what you need to know, including deadlines for in-person voting, voting by mail, early voting, and answers to FAQs.

What We’re Reading

  • Elizabeth: Earth to Moon: A Memoir by Moon Unit Zappa (Amazon, Bookshop
  • Gretchen: Friends: Understanding the Power of Our Most Important Relationships by Robin Dunbar (Amazon, Bookshop

*Transcript coming soon*

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