Try This at Home
Leave on a high note.
Happiness Hack
The Metropolitan Museum has introduced an extraordinary new resource: for artworks that are in the public domain, the Met makes them freely available for unrestricted use (including commercial use). Learn more and browse here!
Happiness Stumbling Block
What appeals to you more: childlike wonder, or adultlike wonder?
Listener Questioner
Fiona asks, “Gretchen, what do you eat every day?’
I talk about the fact that I’m an “Abstainer” — are you an Abstainer or a Moderator?
As I write about in Better Than Before, I was inspired to quit sugar after reading Gary Taubes’s Why We Get Fat. If you’d like to read my interview with Gary Taubes about his new book, The Case Against Sugar, request it here.
I hate the theme of unjust accusation in books, movies, plays, and TV shows — but I unjustly accused my family of ignoring the groceries.
Gold Star
Elizabeth went to two doctors’ appointments in one day.
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