Podcast 252: Walk for 20 in ’20! Plus We Discuss “Power Hour” and Answering Frivolous Questions During Job Interviews.

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Walk for 20 in ‘20.

Research makes it clear that exercise boosts our health. Studies show that active people have lower incidences of heart disease, obesity, cancer, dementia, and Type 2 diabetes, and usually live longer than people who are sedentary. Exercise improves circulation and posture, as well as focus, energy, sleep, and creativity. Exercise makes people less likely to develop depression and reduces anxiety, and is linked to happy moods.

But many of us don’t get much physical activity.

The encouraging thing is that when we go from no activity to a little activity, we get great benefits.

Let’s do this!

If you’d like to read more about why “Walk 20 in ’20” is good for your health and happiness, check out these articles:

If you’re trying to cultivate the habit of walking, my book Better Than Before explores the 21 strategies we can use to build our habits. Sometimes people tell me, “Twenty-one is too many! Give me the three big ones!” But different strategies work for different people, so consider the menu of options and choose the strategies that work for you. For instance, we talk about the Strategy of Pairing, the Strategy of Convenience, the Strategy of Scheduling, the Strategy of Accountability, the Strategy of Monitoring, the Strategy of Identity

I’ve created a one-page “Checklist for Habit Change” that lists all the strategies that you can use to create this habit. You very well might use many strategies in combination—which is easier than it sounds.

Remember: we don’t want to break the chain, but if we do break the chain, it’s not a big deal — just start back up the next day. It’s one of my habit aphorisms: What we do most days matters more than what we do once in a while. 

Happiness Hack

Choose a default meal that’s easily accessible, wherever you are—such as from Starbucks, CVS, Walgreens, etc. For instance, we figured out on our live tour that Elizabeth likes the Starbucks Protein Box

Happier Highlights

We revisit the very popular idea of “Power Hour,” which we introduced way back in episode 6. I also discussed it in one of my weekly Monday segments for CBS This Morning.

We know that this idea has really resonated with listeners.

We often over-estimate what we can get done in an afternoon or a weekend, but under-estimate what we could do in ten seconds, one minute, one hour. We can accomplish a lot in one hour.

Listener Questioner

Donna asks: “As a Questioner, I dislike the frivolous questions that I’m often asked during job interviews. How do I handle this more effectively, to do a better job with interviews?”

Gretchen’s Demerit

To get things done more efficiently, I need to create a tickler system rather than continue to rely on my memory.

Elizabeth’s Gold Star

For a small dinner party, a friend named called the dinner a “Fall Frolic”; giving it a name elevated the gathering and made it seem more fun.

We mention the service Paperless Post.


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