I have to say, I love this postcard from science-fiction legend Ray Bradbury so much, it makes me choke up every time I look at it. I’d love to have it as a giant poster hanging on my office wall. Because so much of what I’ve learned about happiness, habits, human nature, everything, comes down to that same point: acknowledge who I am. Be Gretchen. Just because something’s fun for someone else doesn’t mean that it’s fun for me — and vice versa. The strategy that works for someone else may be the opposite of what works for me. I’m an Abstainer; others are Moderators. I’m a morning person; others are night people. I’m an Upholder, but very few people are Upholders. In The Happiness Project and Happier at Home, I write about how I used to ignore my love of children’s literature, and now it’s a huge element of my life. I want to love what I love! Have you ever loved something that other people thought was dumb, shallow, a waste of time? Were you tempted to renounce or ignore it? If you’re curious about Ray Bradbury’s books, I recommend The Martian Chronicles or 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales. As I mention, if you want to get the “Moment of Happiness“ newsletter, where I email you a quote about happiness or human nature every morning, sign up here. I love gathering and sharing quotations.