Podcast 35: A Close Look at the Upholder Personality; Are You Like Gretchen and Hermione?

It’s time for the next installment of  “Happier with Gretchen Rubin.” (Remember, if you’d like to get an email alert every time we release a new episode, you can sign up here.)


Elizabeth is struggling with the novel-writing.

Today is the first in the series of four episodes that we’re devoting to the Four Tendencies. Today, Upholder! That’s my Tendency.

Check out the photo — that’s me wearing the Upholder t-shirt that Elizabeth gave me for Christmas last year. Perfect.

Try This at Home

Take the Four Tendencies quiz hereFind out if you’re an Upholder, Questioner, Obliger, or Rebel.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Upholders

Think Hermione Granger! Ah, Elizabeth knows me, and consequently the strengths and weaknesses of Upholders, very well.

Striking Pattern of Upholders

My fellow Upholders, do you also experience “tightening,” where our expectations for ourselves get tighter?

Our producer Henry is an Upholder, and he weighs in on his own experience with tightening.

Listener Questions

“How can Upholders balance interior and exterior expectations?” “I live with an Upholder, and find it impossible to meet his expectations.”

Elizabeth’s Demerit

Elizabeth missed the blood moon. So did I, by the way.

Gretchen’s Gold Star

I love this Funny or Die video of Jewel, where she goes in disguise to a karaoke bar.




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