Don’t Volunteer to Bring Bad News & Listeners Suggest Great Tips for Accountability and Pairing

Try This at Home

Don’t volunteer to be the bearer of bad news (if you can).

Happiness Hack

If you’ve RSVP’d “yes,” stick to your decision.

Four Tendencies Tip

Listeners suggest many creative ways to create accountability—especially useful for Obligers.

Listener’s Answers: What habits have you paired?

We asked listeners, “How do you use the Strategy of Pairing to achieve your aims for yourself?” we heard so many great ideas.

Demerits & Gold Stars

Elizabeth’s Demerit: She bought physical books to read, and she hasn’t read any of them. She just keeps listening.

Gretchen’s Gold Star: I give a gold star to all the creative re-use centers that are springing up around the country.


I’m often asked questions about organization, such as “What’s an easy way to tackle clutter?” or “How can I handle conflict around household chores?” To help, I’ve compiled answers to my FAQs into a central resource on my website. If you’re interested, I’ve also written “7 Tips for Clearing Clutter in the Office.” Find it all at

What We’re Reading

*Transcript coming soon*

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