Podcast 204: Put a Band-Aid On It, Consider “Me Time Tuesday,” and How to Persuade a Reluctant Spouse to Do More Work.


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Try This at Home

Put a Band-aid on it.

Happiness Hack

Have a “Me Time Tuesday” when each member of a couple makes his or her own plans.

Four Tendencies Tip

How can a Questioner husband persuade his Obliger wife to choose a more economical phone plan? If you want to take the quiz, to find out if you’re an Upholder, Questioner, Obliger, or Rebel, take it here

Listener Answer

How can an Obliger wife persuade her Questioner husband to help more?

I mention one of my very favorite blog posts that I’ve ever written: “Resentful? Overworked? Face these painful facts about shared work.” 

Elizabeth’s Demerit

Repeat demerit—she hasn’t written thank-you notes. This time, to parents who donated to her son’s school.

Gretchen’s Gold Star

I give a gold star to the New York Society Library, which now offers online e-memberships. For $100/year, you get full access to the library’s vast array of electronic resources. More library for all!


  1. Thank you to everyone who has pre-ordered my forthcoming book Outer Order, Inner Calm! I so appreciate it. Get your pre-order bonus when you submit your order number or receipt at outerorderinnercalmbook.com.
  2. If you want my list of my 81 favorite works of children’s and young-adult literature, you can get it here.
  3. To get a wonderful quotation every morning in your inbox, sign up for the free “Moment of Happiness” email at gretchenrubin.com/#newsletter.

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